b. 不建议HDMI转VGA,画面效果远不如DVI (VGA是模拟信号,DHMI跟DVI都是数字信号)
c. 音响的消费不要太省,比较一下就会知道差别很大的!为了耳朵的舒适,最好别去淘宝等地方购买那些质量低劣的廉价喇叭,建议去正规电商网站而且最差也要用五六十价位的正规品牌(某些电商网站有10元左右的笔记本喇叭,实际上效果很烂),我这里推荐100~300价位的漫步者(易讯现在有100-20的优惠券,蛮划算)(注意插口,别买错了不能用)
a. 其实在天猫魔盒自带的应用商店就有ES文件浏览器,安装之后可以将U盘或TF卡里的文件拷贝到魔盒自身的内存,所以我已经直接拿掉了TF卡。另外,安装ES文件浏览器之后,也可以直接播放局域网其他设备共享出来的资源了,这个功能也很不错噢,特别是有NAS的用户,不用捣腾来捣腾去移动硬盘拷数据了。
b. XMPLAYER在天猫魔盒以及其他电视盒无法暂停的问题,网上找了好久都没找到解决方法,基本都是说XMPLAYER与电视盒子兼容性不好,所以无法暂停的问题软件本身的问题,所以是无解的;但是我并不死心,于是挨个菜单去看,通过变换设置然后测试,发现其实天魔魔盒使用XMPLAYER播放时暂停的方法很简单:打开设置菜单–视频播放–操作面板–触摸控制,然后将触摸动作设置为“暂停/恢复” 参考下图:
魔盒保持断电状态,用螺丝刀或其它东西短接指定针脚(参考下图,并注意版本对应),然后通电,然后迅速拿开螺丝刀取消短接状态,稍等一会儿就会进入TF卡上面的Recovery,双wipe之后选择 apply update from EXT — update from sdcard,找到update.zip,便可成功降级成 1.5.0-R-20131213.1041!
connected to 请按任意键继续. . . "正在进行更新,稍后盒子会自动重启升级。整个过程可能需要2-5分钟,请保持盒子不要断 电…" 629 KB/s (396588 bytes in 0.615s) 617 KB/s (55296 bytes in 0.087s) 357 KB/s (9912 bytes in 0.027s) 573 KB/s (4913152 bytes in 8.369s) 55 KB/s (283 bytes in 0.004s) 10 KB/s (56 bytes in 0.005s) 535 KB/s (239703552 bytes in 437.458s)
Device detected: MagicBox (20140416)
Try to find address in memory… Attempt msm_cameraconfig exploit… Detected kernel physical address at 0x80008000 form iomem
Attempt fb_mem exploit… Detected kernel physical address at 0x80008000 form iomem Search address in memroy… Using kallsyms_in_memroy… prepare_kernel_cred = 0xc008287c commit_creds = 0xc0082560 ptmx_fops = 0xc08f697c Attempt acdb exploit… MagicBox (20140416) is not supported.
Attempt fj_hdcp exploit…
Attempt msm_cameraconfig exploit… Detected kernel physical address at 0x80008000 form iomem
Attempt put_user exploit… ioctl: Bad address
Attempt fb_mem exploit… Detected kernel physical address at 0x80008000 form iomem mtd: successfully wrote block at 403b900800000000 mtd: successfully wrote block at 403b900800200000 mtd: successfully wrote block at 403b900800400000 mtd: successfully wrote block at 403b900800000000
需要注意的是,执行完 10 KB/s (56 bytes in 0.005s) 这一行之后,要等好几分钟才会出现下面那行,有时会超过5分钟,所以不要误以为出问题了而取消进程噢,请务必耐心等待! (这行是传输ROM,文件很大,所以执行得比较慢)
I resolved, i modified smb.conf file under /etc/samba/smb.conf , i replace the line with socket option with value 65536 where is 1310** and after this my trasfer speed is up like 30mb read and writed.
Allows Mac OS X clients (10.3.3 or above) to automagically establish a tunneled AFP connection through SSH. If this option is set, the server’s answers to client’s FPGetSrvrInfo requests contain an additional entry. It depends on both client’s settings and a correctly configured and running sshd(8) on the server to let things work.
Setting this option is not recommended since globally encrypting AFP connections via SSH will increase the server’s load significantly. On the other hand, Apple’s client side implementation of this feature in MacOS X versions prior to 10.3.4 contained a security flaw.
如果是通过豌豆荚等从电脑上安装上述软件,还要记得完成之后拨掉数据线,然后打开手机里的系统设置–应用程序–管理应用程序,将豌豆荚或是你使用的其他软件删除掉,我这边是只保留 BIG Lacuncher 以及百度输入法,其他全部咔嚓……另外还需要说明一下的是,系统自带的主题也可以卸载掉(我忘记是在系统软件还是在普通软件里的了,自己找下很容易就能看到的),但是千万要在安装好 BIG Lacuncher 并成功运行之后再卸载,避免出现错误。