<H3C>system-view —-进入系统视图 Enter system view, return to user view with Ctrl+Z. [H3C]user-interface vty 0 —-进入VTY视图 [H3C-vty]idle-timeout 7 —-设置VTY用户界面超时时间为7分钟 [H3C-vty]set authentication password H3C —-设置Telnet密码为H3C
2、保存设置 (必须要将配置保存,否则重启之后会丢失)
[H3C-vty]return —-返回用户试图 <H3C>save —-保存配置 This will save the configuration in the EEPROM memory Are you sure?[Y/N]y Now saving current configuration to EEPROM memory Please wait for a while… Current configuration saved to EEPROM memory successfully
3、重启交换机 (如不重启,Telnet可能出现:Console is busy, please try again later!)
<H3C>reboot This will reboot switch. Continue? [Y/N]y %0.4526951 H3C CMD_REBOOT/5/REBOOT:Next boot will be flash_b Switch is rebooted!
<H3C>system-view Enter system view, return to user view with Ctrl+Z. [H3C]mac-address mac-learning Ethernet0/1 to Ethernet0/24 disable —-关闭1~24端口的mac学习